Archive for November, 2009

Why Anyone Cares about Twilight

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

Its official, Twilight’s opening weekend came in at $140.7 million, coming in behind the Dark Knight and SpiderMan2. Its opening day numbers blasted the Dark Knight, bringing in $72.7 million versus $67.2. Worldwide it brought in $258.8 million. I’m not sure if anyone bothered to account for inflation, etc. but that’s still a ton of green. Not surprisingly, the age range was split between under 21 and over…. and 80% of the tickets went to women.

Most of the women I know read it for the eye candy, I don’t think anyone feels like the female lead is a great role model. The lead teen on Vampire Diaries has a better grasp of reality.

I bet the first day was so big because teenagers have no sense of delayed gratification, and the mob scene probably wouldn’t bother them. Personally, I’ll be checking it out after the mass rush is over. I’ve always liked vampires  : )